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Coaching provides guidance and support in dealing with challenges and transitions in self-development, relationships and career. I see coaching as an interactive exchange tailored to your goals, concerns and unique aspirations. In creative coaching, you are invited to tap into the potential of your creative intelligence. As a result, you will develop pathways to a wealth of intelligence for problem-solving, thinking outside the box, and more. 


Feel free to contact me about my coaching fees and contract agreement. Coaching can take place in person at my Medford studio/office, or via phone, Zoom, Skype and FaceTime.



In a coaching session, you are invited to participate in a conversation that can guide you to:

  • Identify your aspirations and achieve your goals

  • Recognize your strengths and values

  • Create pathways through obstacles

  • Befriend internal critics

  • Notice the transformative qualities of the present moment

  • Actualize mindful self-leadership and leadership

  • Be accountable for making positive changes


  • Increase access to your creative potential

  • Move through barriers and fear

  • Increase vitality by transforming a dormant area of life

  • Enliven a life-goal that has been forgotten or put aside because of other priorities

  • Live with more integrity, in line with your fundamental nature

  • Increase meaning and grace as you go through life transitions

  • Move through challenges with increased self-understanding and self-compassion

  • Improve life balance, increase positivity, and add self-care and play to your life

SGlikson.Cahen. Great Mystery Dance. adjusted. 350dpi

Coaching Approach

Coaching Approach

Coaching Stories

 Sophie Glikson, MA, LMHC, CET, FOT |  Contact

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